Why is it a hectic November you asked? It's largely because the fact that I've been going on 4 work interviews this month alone and I managed to get many of the things
On Sunday, we had a family trip to Kepala Batas, Penang. My sister just finished her practical. So, it's time for her to head back to Ipoh. Her belongings were just to much
What's better than movies? TV series of course. Other than being exciting and fun to watch (because of the story plot and so on), TV series are also great because the stories are
Sejak kebelakangan ni, aku lebih banyak habiskan masa di YouTube daripada laman sosial yang lain. Sampai aku rasa macam Facebook atau Twitter (2 main social media platforms I used) ni dah tak ada
This blog post was inspired from an update by Hanis Amanina. Check her out, here. 1. Do you have certain place at home for reading? I usually read on my bed. Baring. Kalau
If there is a tip for me to share to those SPM candidates, it would be - stay modest/humble after the paper. Jangan bongkak atau cakap besar. If someone asked you how was

Pesanan Pagi Untuknya

By Hasnul Adin
November 03, 2016
Katanya semalam, dia terasa seperti aku cuba menjauhkan diri dan cuba sembunyikan sesuatu daripada dia. Terkejut sungguh aku. Tak sangka dia rasa macam tu.  Kemudian aku sedar, salah aku juga. Tidak menyapanya bila perlu. Diam seperti
Kisah aku tertinggal IC semalam tidaklah berakhir dengan kekecewaan pun. Sesuatu yang baik berlaku selepas tu bila aku ke pos laju. Aku masuk dan ambil nombor giliran. 290. Nombor di skrin masa tu
Bersembang dengan member sekapal selam, bila ditanya sedang buat apa, aku beritahu tengah siapkan poster program alumni. Tiba-tiba katanya, beliau dengki dengan manusia yang pandai multimedia ni. "Nak dengki pebenda?" Tanya aku. "Nanti
On the train to KL Sentral yesterday, there was a Chinese couple, both aged around 60, sitting in front of me. Throughout the trip, both of them can't stop talking and laughing. Though
Aku kepenatan hari ini. Lain macam punya penat. Semalam di kampung sepanjang hari. Macam-macam aktiviti. Daripada kenduri sampailah ke menebas dahan pokok rambutan. Mengupas rambutan-rambutan (bawak balik rumah letak dalam peti ais // makan time sejuk-sejuk - sedap!).
If you have seen the movie, then you would probably agree that Captain America: Civil War is one of the best superhero movie ever made. Put aside the fact that the movie was not a